Monday, August 11, 2014

Summer 2014

Here are a few pictures from this summer:  
Caden at Grandpa and Grandma Yuska's farm petting kittens

Caden taking Charlie for a walk

Hiding in the corner (sharing his treats with Charlie)

Helping Poppa wash the car

4th of July 2014

Cool dude with Poppa

Driving around the block in his new car

Driving in his car

Zoo with Cousin Gabe (on the right) 

Orange Leaf with Dad and Aunt Katie

Dairy Queen with Dad

Table Rock Lake 2014

We were thankfully able to go to Table Rock this year to get in a little vacation before baby #2 comes along.  It is a 7 hour car ride- we weren't too sure how Caden would feel about that!
Beginning of the car ride!- Turns out, he slept through most of it and did great!

First night on the boat with Aunt Katie

More boating with Aunt Katie

Caden's favorite thing to do was drive the boat with "Poppa"

Fell asleep at the wheel a few times

Hanging out with Grandma

Tuckered out after a long few days on vacation

Going down the water slide

Splashing in the pool with Dad

Trip to Bass Pro

Last night at the lake

Swinging with Aunt Katie

Last night relaxing with Poppa

Family picture

Caden's picnic outside

In Poppa's boat

In all of his beach gear!

Floating on the lake with Mom, Aunt Katie, and Lainey!

Driving Poppa's boat